Friday, August 3, 2007

I take a look around
see niggas standing stagnant
waiting for flies to catch
i take flight
they act like its a slight
like busted wind
im growing
wind under my wings flowing
catch me on mars
once you get past neptune
see you soon
good thing time dont exsist
or young poit would be waiting long minute
but etrnity to me exixts in a second im not with self
so take your bullshit judgement somewhere else
god can throw stones
shit i was raised on pocket full of stone music
underground forever yet i work better as leader/teacher
a reach the leaders ask them to step down
or step the fuck up
or else
their health will sadly deteriorate
fucking with universal energy aint enough
i get the stoned out feeling that bodying niggas is the cure sometimes
nonviolent comunication would probably work just fine
but at times i dream of clucthing a nine
never had a gun
never scared to say it
aint ben in a fight since funcruchr plus

Monday, July 9, 2007

i hope noone i know reads this. i dont give my address out for the very fact that i can be specific. I am all that i could ever dream. i am the reason that black hippies are great to have as a ideal role model
follow me down this twisted decripit road
the gravel like the plot has long since unfoiled
sitting under a tree waiting for levo with thoughts of enlightenment
not quite the center of thought
but im trying
i light another blunt because
sometime i feel like crying
i feel like dying
yet these two maybe the same to the man to cool to express nything but pain
its all gravy if i need to save thee a should as long as it is mine
i have no problem lending in kind
however for me, just get me fucked up thats the way to deal with distress
drink it awy untill the drinking becomes the stray hair that wont stay under you cap as the wind blows you in directions you didnt mean to go.
No matter just go with the flow.

crazy thoughts

Every choice we make is in a service of a need.

what do i need?

people to like me
to feel effective, like i am making a change
to feel smart
to give to others

I can't stop thinking about cher, i feel like i am walking a tight rope and on either side of the line is a conclusion i am too worried to see what they are to falter my step. Things are working out the way i like, with my understanding of things to be that in time i will be able to express how i feel more. I am excited bout my personal growth, in that i will be able to express myself better.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

i feel like dying
then i spark another one
flip those thoughts like razors
and lines and colds
come together like
soldiers walking the green mile
niggas and bad attitudes
crackers and a noose
i bust rhymes like Zues
throws lightning bolts
or gods intervention
all a fallacy like a womens intuition
i'm just here sitting
blunt in hand
ready to make a stand
falling for everything it seems has been my destiny
tired of the feeling of the floor on my back
check my back pocket to see if i can take aim
all i got in there is my web slinging pain
so i grip up to fuck up any in sight
scared of almost nothing cept cats coming to pick me up in the middle of the night
Emmit till a nigga
Diallo a pre-political figure
stomp out the revolution before it gets any bigger
how long can the mass wait for a new leader
before enough people stand up to teeter
the tower in power ready to devour our souls
then sell us to the lowest bidder
like our railroads
or our highways
by the way
get your mind right
only three things you need to be doing
living life, making money and
stand up and fighting
none of those things interfere with getting high
so don't say shit to me alright.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

too long

too long
before my sanity
on the bet with reality
lets the irregularity
open up my anus and stops the control of flow
making a mess of any in radius
i wish my muscles were just a bit stronger
but i cannot control the rage any longer
as i try
buddhist mind
is meditating at this time
i tried to wake it up
but she was too peace to respond
so so long discretion
perpetration not the direction
but i follow
let the thoughts lead

shall i proceed
wack mcs are the least of my dilemma
since September
rather farer back than i can remember
sitting with a burnt hole in my pocket
gangsta rap has me conteplating trapping cats
like gummo
my stomach isnt far from grumbling
the hunger is all in the mind
fasting on media
but its hard to find entertainment sometimes
rhyme lead me to the fact i need to smoke more
smoking more leads me to clearing my pores
haircuts and suit ties in my future
getting rich playing out like super
producer will probably i or another like
just how it should be right
growing up dreamt of being a black Hoffman with dreadlocks
still got the locks inside outside smooth like bedrock
scab i pick like shotgun shell aimed at the uninformed
id give my last cent to be reborn

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

EXTRALIFE - Web comic for geeks, gamers, and stuff like that

EXTRALIFE - Web comic for geeks, gamers, and stuff like that


It is never a good thing when i stop smoking the green! It needs to be repeated.

Friends of mine, from time to time say that its a crutch and they are right. I hate feeling this clear headed, courageous and pissed off. I am about to go on a tirade and i want to make it real clear before i go on too many tangents. Whatever I, or anyone says about America, America, like conservatives say about communism, is great in theory. Fuck the history lesson lets just focus on right now. Americans suck. Point. Blank. Period.

The way things stand as of now, our christian values as a country will not allow us to let people who love each other to marry and benefit from the numerous tax benefits. It will allow however, a varying amount of torture to people we believe may be guilty of crimes of which we won't tell them they have committed nor have had a fair trial in order to determine this. Don't worry it doesn't stop there.

Our christian values won't allow for comprehensive sex education as we can see by the STI rates. Teenagers who's hormones are raging (this shit ain't news to noone) don't need condoms. They need abstinence only programs and to be shunned when they let nature take over,excuse me when they act like sluts. We wouldn't want to put more money to fight AIDS god will take care of that. Oh wait my bad god, made AIDS to kill fags. I guess HE overshot.

Don't even get me started on those ignorant ass, work for nothing just to send money to their poor families living in a country we have historically raped, yes raped of resources (don't agree look at how we "obtained" texas, can't speak english, think amerikkka is a land of immagrants, the assholes that believe Amerikkka stands for the words displayed on the statue of liberty, work in the most inhumane conditions in Amerikkka, cannot be unionized, spat upon by the entire populous, do the brunt of hard labor corporate companies recruit them to do, cotton picking, excuse me tomato picking muther fuckers. What, do they think that if they work here they deserve to use our services, our social progrms, our educational system fuck that. Our god said that this land is your land this land is my land. HE was trying to be nice. Give us your labor and get the fuck out. This is our land. We stole it fair and square. Hey... If your lucky one day we will give you a plot of land. Maybe you can compete with...what are those people who lived here first callled again...indians?.... redskins? , damn there so few of them anymore due to the attempted genocide i cant even remember. We can get you hooked up with some good liquor to drink down your pain and you can run our pleasure centers, Casinos, whatever just wait your turn. Hold your breath while you wait it makes it come quicker. I got some nicely soaked blankets if you get cold. Just let me know.

on another note, there was the "leader" once who claimed to be liberal and acted right in line with conservatives. dropped more bombs on iraq then rappers, "whites", blacks, and crackers say nigger. "Reformed" Welfare. and god was happy. But then he had to go fuck it all up and cheat on his wife. Its cool though. He lied under oath about it . We caught it. We impeached him. You would think that the destruction he caused would have been enough but whatever we got em done.

Next cat comes in and he could take a piss in the face of every amercan in this country and we'd just drink it up as he told us it was kool-aide. Just how i like it masta, extra bullshit. What does it take to get fired from being president. I just want to know. Had i known the job security that position had i would have never inhaled or admitted my past drug use. Wait... i take that back honesty isnt a characteristic we the people look for in a president. So yall remember I have and will always be straight-edge. From the idiotic cross on my hand, to the hatred of everyone else having more fun than me in my eyes, BOH drug, sex, fun free.

I am kicking myself right now. There are two reasons for this. 1. I should have made a website when the war first started collecting a dollar for every human death. I figure by now i would have collected enough funds to hire someone to do what the american people are to lazy, stupid and buzy watching americn idol to do. IMPEACHMENT. Yeah i said it. You should say it too. And i have heard the whole, it would only be symbolic argument. ?Yeah so impeaching clinton resulted in what? It made the conservatives feel better. I wish that i could be the first person to say this. I truly hope for the short future of the Amerikkkan empire that i am not. Something must be done! NOW! not when you get home from work. NOW! what can yu do? Go figure it out goddamit!

I wonder what the next presidents will get away with. Hope your not living in a poor city and a disater strikes. I hope you don't have someone close to you with a terrorist (or whatever the new label will be) sounding name. Good Luck on paying for health care. Dont worry about eating, the gas prices can't get any lower. You have to cut something out. SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE!

2. I wish i had a bit more courage to spread this to whomever and where ever it needs to go. I would rather have this military industrial complex(mills) assassinate and make a martyr out of me then to have to reply when people ask where i was born say america. The blood is on our hands. That measley amount of money you make. the one taxes come out, the money you use to pay income taxes goes to killing innocent poeple. Hey yall remember those people in high school who weren't to good in school grade wise but wanted to go to college? Maybe they can continue their education in heaven. sleep on that. I am going to go look for something to smoke.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


First day and already too much to say. Life has been troubling me. I am looking on the bright side in the night time and hope is fueling me like resources and wars.I have been through much of this stress before. Always of another type. Not just quite like the tribulations of the other days. Finishing up what will mean a time for change. I am itching to complete the task yet can't find the motivation. Friends of mine watch as if they can predict a car crash. I laugh like i know the seatbelt wont fasten. I reason, never doubt the power of those that make what they want come true.I have always been that person. You should be that person too.